Neocities Neighbors
Below is a very very long list of (almost) everyone that follows me. They're all pretty cool, and deserve to be checked out tbh. If you're not here and would like to be, just hit me up somehow and I'll slap your button up here as well.
Resource/Forum Sites
My Buttons


Helpful Links
Html & CSS + Webmaking
- sadgrl online This site was EXTREMELY helpful with not only supplying the layout maker, but also laying out multiple other tools to help with your site making journey.
- Html Cheatsheet Another very helpful site with a bunch of pre-written code and html tips all on one page.
- W3Schools Such a great learning tool for learning and applying both HTML and CSS. Has been a lifesaver mutliple times with figuring stuff out. Really doesn't hurt to have it bookmarked.
- Neothemes Some neatly premade, mobile friendly layouts and themes that I think you'll really like.
- HTML Color Codes Constantly googling "hex color codes"? Same, so here's a link right to them! You're welcome future me!
- Website Gallery Template Super helpful for creatives that want to show off their art, photography, etc. There isn't any crazy html or css knowledge needed to use it's bare functions.
- Winamp Skin Museum I agree, seeing the words "Skin Museum" is pretty insane, but it's a cool skin museum. If you already have Winamp, and want to make yours look as unique as possible, take a gander.
- Texture Town This site is full of textures you can use for backgrounds (or honestly anything, even 3d worlds).
- PixelSafari This site has SOO many different graphics, from favicons, to dividers, to even text based stuff you can use to decorate your website to your liking. Always getting updated too so check it out frequently!
- Blinkies Very large assortment of blinkies, A few of them I personally use on the site!
- 88x31 Button Maker A pretty damn good button maker with various coloring and text tools, and some built in images you can use as well!
- 88x31 Gif Collection 5 pages filled with hundreds of 88x31 buttons, it is pretty impressive. Heads up though, there are a few NSFW buttons as well.
- Dither Me This Am extremely neat tool that takes your images and decreases the sizing while giving them various stylish new looks! Not only helps load up your images faster, but all the filters are actually really fun to use as well.
- Pixilart A super useful pixel art tool and community, allowing you to create buttons and tags for your website (just like me with my button!) Very easy to use, and really fulfilling as well.
- 88by31 Even more buttons! All organized for different themes!
- Gifcities A massive archive of animated gifs from all over the internet, all organized in one place.
- Web Badges Another massive archive, instead with aloooot of web badges, like it's massive.
- Windows 98 Icon Viewer An entire list of every single Windows 98 icon, free to download and use to your will!
- Tiny Identity Button Archive This is an even larger amount of buttons. Waaaaay way larger. It's insane.
- SadTheme's Small Emoticons Collection Another collection of graphics/emotes, organized by color!
- Text Color Fader Turns any body of text into a gradient, pretty simple.
- The Fish Doorbell Ever wanted to act as a gatekeeper for fish? Well, now you can. See a fish? Press the button and let those freaks through. I think they will really appreciate it.
- Radio garden This site offers radio stations from across the entire planet, all playing continuously, 24/7. I've come across so many different genres and walks of life through this site alone. They have an app too, definitely recommend it!
- imood This site showcases how you and all your friends feel! Just choose a feeling and an emoticon and share away!
- Webgbcam A super fun web app that takes pictures in the classic gameboy style! It can even be used for streaming if you have the time (and brain power) to do it!
- Web Design Musuem A massive showcasing of all kinds of websites from the past and present. Also has past mobile app and computer software designs from as early as the 90s.
- The Fanlisting Network The original fanlisting site holding hundreds of thousands of online listings for whatever you may be a fan of. Pasta, Charli XCX, Silent Hill, Birds, etc. Whatever you can imagine.