The BookBug Club!

What is this?

Hi! Bookbug is a user-driven neocities book club created by Vashti and Maple! Each month we chose a new book to try and complete by the last sunday of that month. Each of us will then share our thoughts and opinions on the reading on our own respective pages.

Why are you in it?

Well, apart from always wanting to be in something like this, 2024 is going to be a fairly big year for me as far as growth goes. I used to read ALL the time when I was younger. Not because I had to for school, but because I genuinely enjoyed it. I have no clue what stopped me, it could be a few things, but I want to get back into it. For myself mostly.

I also may have run out of shows to care about but that's besides the point.

Can I join?

Of course you can dude? Just go over to the bookbug page to learn how you can tag along in our readings. Or just click Here.