I'm Sorry.
This felt like a mistake. Like he shouldn't have done it. Like it's a waste of time. He doesn't care though. He's always considered that the ideas he came up with were not worth anything. It's easy to forget. To lose thoughts you could have built on. Losing stories. Losing songs. Could have sworn that's the type of stuff that made life worth living. So why would he keep them stuck in a mind that's clearly losing grasp of everything at every moment?
It made no goddamn sense. Yet, this is how he has managed to get through life for a lackluster twenty-five years. Daydreaming. Thinking back to his life in a town that's barely even standing. People that have moved to locations he couldn't even name. To moments that he knows he can't even remember correctly. It's...hard to watch. I can't do anything about it though. I can't help him. I can't save him. Even when we talk. He never seems to take anything I offer him seriously. It's tiring. Hard to really...care
This website. It's all he has left.
This area is a way to explore our past. See the good. See the bad. Understand what went wrong. What went right. To have the courage to face what hurts most. This area may not be the most comfortable to visit. We wouldn't be surprised if it disappeared one day due to being too much. I don't care though. Art has been the one way we've been able to express outselves.
It's hard. Maybe through these chapters, we can figure it all out. That's what I hope at least.